
Here you find all different kinds of projects where I contributed in. It ranges from projects with research through design and contextmapping methods, visual storytelling projects to personal projects.

#digitaltransformation #igetinspired #deepdive #INTERVENTIONS @TU DELFT LIBRARY

I get Inspired

How can we create a future proof TU Delft university Library where students not only can study but also can get inspired?

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#energytransition #researchthroughdesign #sustainability @TU DELFT IDE

ENERGE Greengage

How can we create greener secondary schools and enhance a learning community of energy citizens?

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How to involve different stakeholders in Healthcare and visually communicate to them?

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#museumfutures #dtp #flyer #digitalartprint

Hidden Gems Musuem Futures

I created and designed the A3 flyer for an exhibition called Hidden Gems in Schiedam Museum associated with research project TU Delft Museum Futures.

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#Hemafoundation #acceleratorprogramme #taalvaardigheid #illustration #carddesign


How do you inform parents with young children of the growth of their children in a educative and playful way? This was part of HEMA Accelerator Programme in 2019.The end result was a cardset with playful activities and bite sized information.

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#logodesign #branding #freshpasta #food #italianfood

Pasta Cecchi

How to create a visual identity for a fresh pasta small business that combines both Leiden (NL) and Torino (Italy) to connect with pasta lovers?

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#Illustration #carddesign #personalwork

Christmas cards

Annually digitally drawn holiday greetings for family and friends

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#digitalart #personalwork #commision

Digital portrait

Turn yourself and your beloved ones into a wholesome and cute digital version of yourself!

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