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#hemafoundation #acceleratorprogramme #0-4jaar #taalvaardigheid #taalachterstand #illustration #carddesign


For the HEMA Foundation Accelerator Programme, I enrolled in their 6 month programme to understand and solve a complex social problem of language deficiency with young children (taalachterstand).

Growing up with both Eastern and Western cultue (Dutch and Chinese) I could relate to myself when talking about language deficiency. The end of the programme the top 3 were chosen and got a prize to further develop the idea. Our team came up with Klets&Kous concept.


Klets&Kous encourages children to develop a curious attitude towards learning, where learning is about a process and not about final goals


I was in charge of the physical card designs and the visuals.

Want to know more?

Read an article written by Aimforthemoon about this programme here

Interested and want to know more? Get in touch with me by clicking the button down below. You can also email me on linaleehee@gmail.com